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We’ve spent years cultivating trusted, thoughtful, and expansive topics involving risk management from diversity and inclusion to natural disasters and water contamination.
Our mission is to support the water sector, its leading trade groups, and associations by elevating the knowledge compendium through meaningful risk management information on emerging and salient water issues.
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What is Risk Management All About? with Gordon Graham
This video serves as the foundation for the entire Risk Management for Public Water Systems Module. Gordon informs the viewer of the consequences that occur when “things” do not get done right. Gordon focuses less on the role of lawyers in handling these consequences and more on the key role of the informed employee, supervisor, manager, or executive in building viable control measures to address these risks proactively.
Organizational Risk Management with Gordon Graham
This video introduces “The Five Pillars of Success.” When the leadership of a public water system focuses on getting and keeping good PEOPLE, building good POLICY, assuring great initial and ongoing TRAINING, providing adequate SUPERVISION, and having a viable DISCIPLINE process in place to address employees who do not follow organizational policy – you will dramatically increase the probability of “tasks, incidents and events” ending up “going right” thus avoiding nasty consequences.
The Ten Families of Risk with Gordon Graham
In this video, Gordon takes the thousands of “risks” faced by public water systems and put them into “Ten Families.” Mr. Graham identifies each of these families and challenges the viewer to identify the “three greatest risks” faced by your organization in each of these families – and to assure you have appropriate control measures in place to address each of these identified risks.